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A new year is approaching and we are bound to reflect on the past year. We reflect on the things that we are happy about and all the good things that we have accomplished. We remember with a smile the happy times we have experienced. We remember the blessings! We enjoy the memory of our successes. We look at what we would have liked to do differently and feel our regrets.
We also reflect on our challenges. There were difficult situations that changed us. Their impact on our life are sometimes dramatic. Within the most challenging times, we often receive our biggest blessings - if we are open to seeing it. Sometimes, pain or panic clouds our thoughts and we do not immediately perceive these situations as actual blessings. It only comes if we understand that behind that situation, there is a blessing for us. If we unwrap this gift, the message appears. How do we do this? Sitting quietly, feeling what wants to come up and being present with what is. It sounds simple but it is a challenge in itself. We are used to run away from fear and problems and not sit still and let them just rise up and hold them in loving presence. Once we find ourself being present with our fears or the difficult situation, it can unwrap itself and show it's blessing. What is my biggest lesson that I have learnt this year? What is the biggest gift for me from this year?
For me personally, I have felt stronger than ever that I can truly trust my intuition and follow it. It is necessary and vital for us to follow our own intuition and not anyone else's suggestion, guidance or input. Trust that all your answers lie within yourself. Every answer to every question there is, you will find within yourself.
Looking towards the New Year, everyone has plans, ideas and holds a hope in their heart for a better future. We put out our vision out on how we would like to be and how our life should be in the next year. Some people like to make New Year's Resolutions. Whatever your plan is for the New Year, we are living in exciting times right now. There are changes everywhere and the old gets purged. Old structures that no longer serve us are removed. These changes are certainly not always pleasant but very necessary so we are liberated from what no longer serves us. Everything that is not in alignment with Divine truth is being purged. Deceit and lies are being purged in the light of truth. We are forced to step up and step into our true nature. We can no longer pretend what we are not. We need to show our true colours. All masks are being removed. Let's move one more step into consciousness. Let's be true to our feelings and do not suppress them. Let's be honest with ourselves and others. Let's live our Divine plan of our life and not negate it any longer. Let's be brave in 2019! You and me, together - let's do this! I look forward to connecting with you in the following months and am wishing you Divine blessings for the New Year.
A new year is approaching and we are bound to reflect on the past year. We reflect on the things that we are happy about and all the good things that we have accomplished. We remember with a smile the happy times we have experienced. We remember the blessings! We enjoy the memory of our successes. We look at what we would have liked to do differently and feel our regrets.
We also reflect on our challenges. There were difficult situations that changed us. Their impact on our life are sometimes dramatic. Within the most challenging times, we often receive our biggest blessings - if we are open to seeing it. Sometimes, pain or panic clouds our thoughts and we do not immediately perceive these situations as actual blessings. It only comes if we understand that behind that situation, there is a blessing for us. If we unwrap this gift, the message appears. How do we do this? Sitting quietly, feeling what wants to come up and being present with what is. It sounds simple but it is a challenge in itself. We are used to run away from fear and problems and not sit still and let them just rise up and hold them in loving presence. Once we find ourself being present with our fears or the difficult situation, it can unwrap itself and show it's blessing. What is my biggest lesson that I have learnt this year? What is the biggest gift for me from this year?
For me personally, I have felt stronger than ever that I can truly trust my intuition and follow it. It is necessary and vital for us to follow our own intuition and not anyone else's suggestion, guidance or input. Trust that all your answers lie within yourself. Every answer to every question there is, you will find within yourself.
Looking towards the New Year, everyone has plans, ideas and holds a hope in their heart for a better future. We put out our vision out on how we would like to be and how our life should be in the next year. Some people like to make New Year's Resolutions. Whatever your plan is for the New Year, we are living in exciting times right now. There are changes everywhere and the old gets purged. Old structures that no longer serve us are removed. These changes are certainly not always pleasant but very necessary so we are liberated from what no longer serves us. Everything that is not in alignment with Divine truth is being purged. Deceit and lies are being purged in the light of truth. We are forced to step up and step into our true nature. We can no longer pretend what we are not. We need to show our true colours. All masks are being removed. Let's move one more step into consciousness. Let's be true to our feelings and do not suppress them. Let's be honest with ourselves and others. Let's live our Divine plan of our life and not negate it any longer. Let's be brave in 2019! You and me, together - let's do this! I look forward to connecting with you in the following months and am wishing you Divine blessings for the New Year.